Avion Shopping Park Ostrava is the true family centre. It brings joy, shopping, fun and various sport and cultural entertainment to visitors from entire Moravian-Silesian region. The brand success in the region is based on permanent development of shopping centre offer, sport entertainment, services, moderns, affordability and access for customers. The current specific high standard of cleanliness and services is proved by the independent test of toilets. Avion Shopping Park was awarded first place. The test was run across the whole Czech Republic and over 40 shopping centres was evaluated. The centre is strongly focused on environment and overall sustainability to keep up with Scandinavian style. There is regular revisions and optimizations of water and energy, waste up-cycling and recycling, technology revitalization, and greenery area and facility investments. The support of local communities and inhabitants education in sustainability area is also a part of the strategy. Avion Shopping Park Ostrava is counting also with the youngest customers and comfort for its parents. The centre has four baby care rooms with facilities for parents and microwave. The playing areas, well equipped outdoor playground, sports area, kids’ corner and entertaining Fun Park Žirafa is a matter of course. Avion Shopping Park Ostrava is the best place for shopping, meeting and relax.
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