Italie Deux, ItaliK, and the neighbouring office complex Apollo are three exciting assets located at the South West corner of the Place d’Italie, a public space in the 13th Arrondissement of Paris. These mixed-use destinations have an excellent, visible location at the heart of a densely populated district and are accessible by three metro lines and by car. We will unite them into our first urban meeting place in France. We’re determined to make everyday life better for the many people of Paris, with an affordable, sustainable range of destination retail, restaurants, services and amenities.
Zona de influencia
Superficie Alquilable
Bus, Metro, Train
Si estás interesado en recibir más información sobre el arrendamiento de un espacio con nosotros o sobre nuestros meeting places (lugares de encuentro) en general, ponte en contacto con nosotros. Disponemos de diferentes contactos de arrendamiento en todos nuestros mercados que estarán encantados de ayudarte en cualquier momento.