Livat Nanning is an exciting new retail-led destination for local communities. The IKEA store is seamlessly integrated within the meeting place, creating a unique experience that includes a significant emphasis on food and beverage, leisure and entertainment experiences, catering for the needs of nearby workers, residents and visitors. Livat Nanning also provides a range of community and family friendly spaces, fashion, retail, online services, entertainment and home furnishing inspiration, offering a new place for Wuxiang’s community to shop, eat, relax, learn and spend time with family and friends.
Zona de influencia
Superficie Alquilable
Bus, Metro
Si estás interesado en recibir más información sobre el arrendamiento de un espacio con nosotros o sobre nuestros meeting places (lugares de encuentro) en general, ponte en contacto con nosotros. Disponemos de diferentes contactos de arrendamiento en todos nuestros mercados que estarán encantados de ayudarte en cualquier momento.