Livat Nanning is an exciting new retail-led destination for local communities. The IKEA store is seamlessly integrated within the meeting place, creating a unique experience that includes a significant emphasis on food and beverage, leisure and entertainment experiences, catering for the needs of nearby workers, residents and visitors. Livat Nanning also provides a range of community and family friendly spaces, fashion, retail, online services, entertainment and home furnishing inspiration, offering a new place for Wuxiang’s community to shop, eat, relax, learn and spend time with family and friends.
Spádová oblast
Pronajímatelná plocha
Bus, Metro
Chcete-li se dozvědět více o prostorech k pronájmu od naší společnosti nebo o našich meeting places (místech setkávání), spojte se s námi – na všech našich trzích máme k dispozici různé kontaktní osoby pro účely pronájmu, kteří Vám vždy rádi pomohou!